“You’re Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile”

Some of you might note that the subject for this post comes from Annie. While that might seem like an unlikely place from which to select a subject, but it brings up a good point:

When you get dressed, is it just because of social mores or are you trying to show your style to the world?

When I put an ensemble together, yes, part of it is because it’s not socially acceptable to walk around in your birthday suit, but an equal – if not greater – part is because my clothes are an extension of my personality. And, as such, why shouldn’t my outfit reflect who I am or what I am feeling?

  • A night at the opera with the lovely Sara! will typically see me in a suit or my tuxedo. (But I’ll often jazz it up with a fun pair of cufflinks.)

    Opening Night of the Utah Opera 2012-2013 Season
  • Football on Sunday? A team jersey is the way to go.

  • Day-to-day, I’m typically a casual/business casual kind of guy. Button-down collar shirt? Or a polo shirt? Turtleneck? Any of the above, depending on the weather.
  • Playing games at my local comic shop or doing a game demo for them at a convention? It’s not uncommon to see me in a t-shirt with my favorite characters’ logo on it:

The bottom line is: If you’re going to wear something, it should be a reflection of who you are. So, wear it proudly.

And smile.

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