Spylight: Dress in the Styles of Your Favorite TV And Movie Characters

Friday – 23 January 2015
A few weeks ago, I said:

This year, I will be bringing you more things to help you find – or redefine – your own style. 

Today, I’m following up on that. It’s Friday, so we should look at something fun. Spylight provides just that bit of fun.

“What is Spylight,” you ask? For that, let’s refer to the website’s own “About” page:

Spylight lets you shop television shows and movies instantly. Shop your favorite characters’ wardrobes by show, season, character, and more. Find exact matches or shop similar looks, all in one place. Spylight: Shop The Screen.

If you want to dress like Detective Joe West, from The Flash, Spylight can help. Want to suit up like Harvey Specter, from Suits? Spylight has you covered. NCISSam Hanna? Yep. Him, too. Maybe Dominic Toretto look from The Fast and the Furious movies is more your… um… speed. That’s okay, they can hook you up.

How does it work?

Spylight works with studios to identify the exact item (product and brand) that actors wear on set. For some items that cannot be exactly identified we provide similar look-alikes. We also provide more affordable alternatives to high-end products.

Take a look around the Spylight site. They’re still in beta and their collections are still a little limited, but for what they do have, they do it well.

And, above all, have fun.

Robert Written by: